Instructions for doing your FIT test and using the FIT aid
The FIT aid is a device that has been created to help you to easily and independently hold, open and close the bottle for FIT testing.
This webpage contains instructions for use in different formats including; audio file, video, audio transcript and large print which can viewed on screen or downloaded.
Audio Instructions
Find here an MP3 file with audio instructions introducing the FIT bottle and the FIT aid. The instructions will explain how to do your FIT test and how the FIT aid can be used to help you.
Video Instructions
Find here a video introducing the FIT bottle and the FIT aid you have received. The video will show you how to do your FIT test and the different ways that the FIT aid can be used to help you. It has detailed audio instructions and on-screen captions.
The audio transcript from the video and audio file is available to view and download by clicking here.
Download the instructions
A copy of the instructions you have received with your FIT aid can viewed and downloaded by clicking here.
Or scroll through the instructions on screen below
Instructions for doing your FIT test and using the FIT aid
You have been given a FIT bottle and a FIT aid by your doctor.
You will collect a small amount of poo into the FIT bottle.
There is liquid in the bottle, it shouldn’t spill but please do not squeeze it out.
The FIT aid will make doing your test easier. You can use it to help with holding and closing the bottle.
The oval hole on the side is a stand that will hold the bottle in place.
The channel in the middle is used to slide the lid into the bottle to close it.
How to do your test
When you are ready to do a poo and complete your FIT test take these items into the bathroom with you:
A clean empty container to catch your poo
Your FIT test bottle
The FIT aid
A pen
Write the date on the bottle label.
If you need any help adding the date to the bottle please write on the plastic bag or ask for help.
2. Catch your poo
Put the clean empty container into the toilet bowl or hold the container in your hands to catch your poo.
Do your poo and then wash your hands.
Take your container out of the toilet and put it down somewhere flat nearby.
3. Open your FIT bottle.
Grip the lid and twist it around until loose
Pull the stick up and out of the bottle.
Leave the open bottle nearby or in the FIT aid until you need it.
4. Collect a small sample using the stick
Scrape the stick back and forward along your poo until the grooves on the end are covered.
Only a very small amount of poo is needed for the FIT test, do not add extra.
Using the FIT aid to finish your test
You can use the hole on the side of the FIT aid to stand the bottle upright.
This will help you to get the stick back into the bottle.
Or you can use the channel in the middle of the FIT aid to close your bottle.
Lie the stick and bottle down facing each other and slide them together.
The lid will slide into the bottle.
Push the lid and bottle together until you hear a ‘Click’.
Check your FIT bottle is closed properly, it should feel smooth and have no gaps.
What to do next
Tidy up and dispose of your poo
Tip your poo into the toilet and flush away. Put your used container and the FIT aid into the bin.
Wash your hands.
2. Pack up your FIT bottle
Before it is sent off for testing check the sample date is written on the bottle label.
Put the FIT bottle into the plastic bag provided.
3. Return your finished FIT test to your GP
It is important that the sample is sent for testing as soon as possible.
Don’t delay in handing it back into your GP Practice.